12. 03.
From Mill to Mill
The From Mill to Mill projectaims to preserve and revitalize the architectural and cultural heritage of mills in the border region while fostering a deeper appreciation for this heritage among diverse target groups.
07. 01.
Pensionary University
With the help of the colleagues of Gotthárd TV and Nyelvhatár the lecture series named Pensionary University is finally finished. The videos may be watched in the links below.
07. 01.
Equipment puchase in Orfalu
Applicant’s name: Orfalu Községi Önkormányzat Program name: Magyar Falu Program (Hungarian Village Program) Project sum: 13.241.896,- Ft Awarded sum: 13.241.896,- Ft Támogatási intenzitás: 100% Projekt megvalósításának kezdete: 2020.12.02 Projekt megvalósításának…
07. 01.
In the wake of Values
Applicant’s name: Rönök Község Önkormányzata Program name: Hungaricum Project sum: 2.997.994,- Ft Awarded sum: 2.997.994,- Ft Support intesity: 100% Beginning of project realization: 2020.06.02 Planned end of project: 2021.08.31. Project’s…