Along the cooperation of 6 settlements, the Regional Repository of Values was formed on thursday, which involves every Municipiality in the Rába region. A Repository of Values is stronger, and culturally and turistically more known by the amount high standard of local Values it incorporates. Given that our region is characteristically made up of smaller villages, which all individually can boast with quality local values, it has been found wise to have all these collectively tended to in order to present the region as a whole.
With the joint initiative of the National Slovene Self-government and Muraba EGTC, the settlement leaders decided to undertake the quest to discover and tend to our values together. In order to achieve this the gathering has monotoniously accepted the members of the Board of Repository of Values, namely: Károly Holecz president, Gyöngyi Bajzek, László Kovács, Sándor Bedics and dr. Ferenc Sütő board members.
The event tooka place in the conference room of the National Slovene Self-Government and was attended by Erika Kissné Köles Congress Spokeswoman.
During the statutory meeting the work in progress website of the Repository of Values was presented, and those who attended discussed the possibilities with the upcoming Hungaricum tenders.
Founders of Rába Region Slovene Repository of Values:
Municipiality of Alsószölnök
Municipiality of Apátistvánfalva
Municipiality of Felsőszölnök
Municipiality of Kétvölgy
Municipiality of Orfalu
Municipiality of Szakonyfalu
Muraba: Developing the region, building the community!