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Charity action in the Rába region

Planning & Trading Kft. in cooperation with Midea have offered 6 Kids type air conditioners (colored, specially made for children) completely free and were installed in the kindergartens of Apátistvánfalva, Szakonyfalu and Felsőszölnök, each kindergarten funded by the Slovenian National Municipiality.

On 18th august, Tuesday András Takács developmental and marketing manager, representative of the donators visited the Rába region to personally survey the developments. The event was also attended by Károly Holecz, president of the Slovenian National Municipiality, founder of the kindergartens and Bálint Papp, director of Muraba European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, who was in charge of coordinating and creating the cooperation.

An article discussing the event is available through this link:


Muraba: Developing the region, building the community.
