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Muraba ETT


MURABA EGTC promotes cooperation and development of the mixed population territories of Slovenia (Pomurje) and Hungary (Porabje) by connecting actors, utilizing funds, generating and implementing cooperation programmes.

About us

The MURABA European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Limited was established in 2017 by the Municipality of Szentgotthárd (Hungary), Municipality of Lendava (Slovenia), Mura Region Hungarian National Self-Government Community (in Slovenia) National and the Slovene Self-Government (in Hungary) with the purpose of promoting economic, social cross-border cooperation and strengthening territorial cohesion through steady cooperation and thus improving prosperity and quality of life in the territory of the Grouping. A further objective of the EGTC’s foundation was to facilitate the implementation of statutory rights of Hungarian and Slovene national minorities and to preserve the national identity of its members and their relations with the mother nation.
