01. 16.
01. 16.
AGARE – Alternative Green Areas for Rural Europe
The project will begin on the 1st of March in 2021 and will last for 18 months. Apart from the Italian Project Leader we will be participating in the project…
11. 23.
11. 23.
Applicant Name: Muraba European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Program Name: Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary Cooperation Program 2014-2020 Project’s Code: SIHU 237 Project’s name: Muraba European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation’s project cost:…
06. 02.
06. 02.
Preserving our Values in the XXI. century
Applicant’s name: Szalafő Község Önkormányzat Program name: Hungaricum Project sum: 2.550.001,- Ft Awarded sum: 2.550.001,- Ft Support intesity: 100% Beginning of project realization: 2020.06.02 Planned end of project: 2021.08.31. Project’s…