As part of the Green Line project a partnership of hungarians and slovenians has been working for 3 years on sharing their knowledge and experience on environment protection, energy efficiency and the utilization of reusable enery sources. These all served the purpuse of expanding the capacity of the partnering organisations and improving institutional cooperation. Thanks to the activities executed as part of the project, a strong cross-border cooperation came to be. With the developments of Green Line the Hungarian organisations could get to know the energetic accounting system already in use in Slovenia, E2 Manager software, which can monitor the energyuse of a building. The partnership translated the software to Hungarian and visualised the 3D model of the Mura-Zala geothermic basin.
The results achieved in Green Line can be put into two main cathegories. On one hand, eliminating the difficulties caused by the lack of skills, developing the shortcomings and cooperation which provides further developments and new opportunities for strategic planning, in line with the National and European regulations. On the other hand, the collegues of the partnering organisations created the energy strategy together. The West-Pannon Nonprofit organisation creates the action plan of Sustainable Energy and Climate for Őriszentpéter (SECAP).
For further information please visit the webpage of the project and its facebook site: