06. 07.
Free Eco-Bags for the Mura region
RTVSLO.si has also reported about the event where Muravidéki Magyar Önkormányzati Nemzeti Közösség és a Muravidéki Magyar Ifjúsági Szervezet – MMISZ aslo participated. https://www.rtvslo.si/4d/arhiv/174777308?s=mmc Supporters of the project: Országos Szlovén Önkormányzat Szentgotthárd Város Önkormányzata Lendva…
06. 07.
Reusable eco-bags delivered to Lendva
On Tuesday 18. May 2021. 1500 pieces of reusable eco-bags, suitable to hold pastries, fruits and vegetables have been delivered to the Municipiality of Lendva. The goal is to reduce…
05. 31.
This year’s first Supervisory Board gathering and General Assembly
While the Supervisory Board gathered in Szentgotthárd, the General Assambly took place in Lendva. The account of Vas Népe may be read about in the link below:
05. 18.
Finishing #wehaveonlyone project in Lendva
The Muravidéki Magyar Rádió ‘s account of the give away event which took place in Lendva today. It may be read about further in the link below: https://www.rtvslo.si/mmr/hirek/terepjaro/3-500-toebbszoer-hasznalatos-zacsko/580660?fbclid=IwAR3QeMEKPzgwU4KnCQHdRXAbA7meSQYd4uqNJQQ51vjx3WvVq02vra91-cE Supporters of…