02. 08.
Rába Regional Slovene Repository of Values
Along the cooperation of 6 settlements, the Regional Repository of Values was formed on thursday, which involves every Municipiality in the Rába region. A Repository of Values is stronger, and…
02. 01.
Award ceremony of Pensionary University
Monday morning we awarded the first “senior” graduate of our I. Pensionary University. Throughout the series the lecturers asked quiz questions regarding their respective topics for the students who heard…
12. 16.
Family Friendly prize for Muraba
The Municipality of Vas County has announced for the third time a call for tenders, as part of which organizations and leaders could be nominated to receive the title of…
11. 23.
Special lectures in an innovative way
We have successfully finished with the shooting of the presentations which will be part of our Pensionary University lecture series. Airing soon from the screens of Gotthárd Tv, as well…
10. 28.
Regional developments continue
Realized through Magyar Falu Program the cemetery of Alsószölnök can be renewed. The result of the project is that the path located in the steep hillside will again be walkable…